The fifth Development September: Summer School of Humanitarian and Development Projects at The Czech Technical University in Prague will be focused on diverse development practices with a special focus on the role of architecture and technology. On the first day, summer school will be focused on an introduction to global development and the role of the technical fields in it. On the second day, various development projects will be introduced to the participants to show the diversity of the technical fields included in these projects. The third day will be focused on architecture. Register HERE.
Wednesday 11.9. Introduction to development in context
- 8:40-9:00 – Registration (at Faculty of Civil Engineering ČVUT – Kantor Coffee, Thákurova 2077/7, 160 00 Praha )
- 9:00-10:30 – Jan Tilinger (ČVUT): Development in the context of technology (lecture)
- 10:40 – 12:20 – Lenka Dušková (UPOL): Who helps whom and why? – Strategies and approaches to development (workshop)
- 13:20-14:35 – Martin Schmiedl (MENDELU): Colonial past and its influence on current politics and development assistance in Africa (lecture)
- 14:45 – 16:30 – Jan Tilinger (ČVUT): Design in context (workshop)
- from 16:30 – unformal social event (picnic or pub – depends on the weather)
Thursday 12.9. Diversity of humanitarian and development projects
- 9:00-9:45 – Jana Mazancová (FTZ ČZU, 4Geval s.r.o.): Comprehensive solutions for sustainable food security: energy, agriculture, climate change, shocks
- 9:45-10:30 – Jan Böhm ( Doctors without Borders ) – online: Three missions with Doctors Without Borders (Haiti, Chad, Bangladesh)
- 10:40 – 11:25 – George Karra’a (Lavaris s.r.o.): Recyclation of concrete
- 11:25-12:10 – Jan Faltus, Vojtěch Andrš (People in Need): Using geodata and GIS tools in WASH programming
- 13:15-14:00 – Jan Svoboda, Martina Michlovská (Kashitu Team, ČVUT, Přátelé New Renato): Secondary school construction in Zambia
- 14:00-14:45 – Matěj Vacek (De-Suung Bhutan) – online: Three years of an architect in Bhutan
- 14:50 – 15: 35 Karolína Brandlová (FTZ ČZU, Antelope Conservation): Monitoring of large mammals in the African savanna
15:35 – 16:20 – Jan Novák (Seznam Zprávy): Humanitarian aid through the eyes of a journalist(Canceled due to the flood situation)
Friday 13.9. Architecture for development
- 9:00-10:20 – Sami Akkach (Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst): Earth construction and sustainable architecture:
- 10:25-11:35 – Pablo Elorriaga (ASF Spain): Building rights in Guatemala and Mozambique
- 11:35-12:20 – Karel Smejkal (INSPIRELI AWARDS): The role of the Inspireli Awards architectural competition in development and humanitarian aid, and the announcement of a new competition brief
Venue: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7/2077, 166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Who can participate? No previous deeper technical knowledge is needed. We welcome students of technical and non-technical schools, development project workers, and anyone interested in development or humanitarian projects.
Registration fee: 12 Euro/ 300 CZK ( If the fee prevents you from participating, let us know.)
Application: You can apply for Tech4DEV here. Please describe your experience with development projects, and what you expect from the summer school in the form. After sending an application, you will receive a notice of admission to the course and instructions for payment of the course fee in the coming days. Registrations will be open until the capacity is reached.
Related events: The exhibition Development in Context of Technology and a public part of the annual assembly of Architects without Borders International will take place in Prague (same venue) from 13 – 14. 9. We strongly recommend this activity to participants of Tech4Dev as the program will be strongly related to the program of the summer school and could provide a unique opportunity to meet experienced foreign architects working in the field of development. No previous registration is needed.

Contact: In the case of any questions, contact Sylva Červenková ( or + 420 723 803 702.)
For serious reasons, the deadline date of the summer school may change or the summer school can take place online or be canceled. If the candidate does not agree to a change of date, the fee will be returned.